samurai experience

the experience
The Samurai Experience

This tour is designed for anyone seeking what the actual day to day life of a
Samurai in Feudal Era Japan encompassed.
You will join us on a trip to the past and can have the opportunity to experience
wearing real Samurai clothing within the Sendai Monastery. In addition to this, you practice
swordsmanship and
learn specific sword fighting techniques from your
guide, learn authentic Zen mediation techniques from a Buddhist monk, enjoy
traditional Japanese food of the Edo period, discover how such old buildings re
still cleaned and maintained and understand what day to day life meant for a
Samurai and what sacrifices it may take on their personal lives.

Our tour company specializes in providing travelers in the Kansai/Osaka area the opportunity to experience an authentic slice of the Japan that is not readily accessible to the average tourist. Throughout your stay, our experienced tour operators will work with you to ensure your time with us is truly memorable and perfect for anyone craving a piece of the REAL Japan!

Tokubetsu Japan operates out of Sennan-Shi, a small town on the border of the Wakayama and Osaka Prefectures, with a total population of around 50,000 people.

The town was originally built as a resting place for the Shogun (Lord) of the Tokogawa area and his warriors. The original monastery built for the Shogun over 300 years ago still stands to this day. The houses on the main street of the town, like the monastery, were built around this time during the Edo period of Feudal Japan. These houses were original built as inns for travelers moving between the fishing villages of Wakayama and the main towns of Osaka, Nara and Kyoto. Because of this, the town retains a vibrant tourist economy for those seeking to experience how Japan once was.



在籍员工数 10
教练、指导员数 2
安全保障 有許多基於日本最好的劍客的講師,因此您可以安全愉快地體驗劍法。廟裡也有一位活躍的牧師,因此,如果出現問題,您可以做出適當的反應。


大阪府瀨戶市Senriokahigashi 4-9-13-401
营业时间 10:00~19:00

