数千公里的水晶般湛蓝的海水环绕着这个美丽的县,确保您可以享受如此多的水上活动,让您眼花缭乱。 Scuba diving 冲绳被证明是该列表中最受欢迎的,并且有许多认证学校提供专业课程,并提供从新手到专家以及介于两者之间的各种技能。更深入地了解表面之下的生活。 snorkeling 和水肺潜水,你可以直接挤在鱼中间 sea walking 体验您可以像在陆地上一样漫步大海的地方!
仍然在水上玩乐,水上和水下一样多令人惊奇的事情要做。海洋爱好者将抓住机会观察五颜六色的珊瑚礁和同样迷人而美丽的热带鱼,它们在里面找到了家他们来自美丽的船只。你可以去风景区 kayaking , canoeing , 和 boat fishing 在有这么多食物的海上,包括企鹅和奇怪的鲸鱼!你也可以 SUP yoga 在美丽的日落前,跳上透明的皮划艇,可以清楚地看到下方古怪的野生动物,或者乘坐独特的帆船航行 banana boat !
如果您想去一个汇集了所有雄伟海洋生物的地方,以享受观赏的乐趣而不必淋湿,请考虑乘坐巴士游览 Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium 巨大的咒语和鲨鱼在一个巨大的玻璃后交换欢呼。同时,肾上腺素爱好者可以征服急流 canyon rafting 或以极快的速度轻风穿过水域 jet skills ..
要想获得令人惊叹的海上景观,请看神秘的 cave explorations 在冲绳。在这方面的一些突出包括发光的蓝色洞穴、西表岛洞穴和南瓜石灰岩洞穴,其内部与水果非常相似,因此得名!
水上乐园之外,你的行程也不会少,可以躺下欣赏美丽的夜景 starry sky observation 游览、在名护菠萝公园乘坐菠萝车,或参加激动人心的活动 mermaid experience .想感受多元文化,就去那霸市美国村留个约会吧,美式主题乐园!
冲绳假期绝对应该包括在美丽的海滩上晒太阳,春夏两季,庆良间岛、石垣岛和西表岛都是阳光普照的海岸。 ox cart rides ,一种有趣的交通工具,肯定会留下深刻的印象。
We guarantee that you'll fall in love with picturesque Okinawa and its many treasures, and never want to leave! Please be sure to sample our brimming basket of Okinawa's many goodies and activities!
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Most Popular Categories

Say hello to these famous blue waters with beginner diving classes in Okinawa that teaches newbies the way of diving, and furthers the knowledge of those with established skills. Work your way to an accredited diving license, and explore a world of swirling shades of fish and resting turtles too lazy to bother with guests. Diving certifications and night diving tours in Okinawa are full of incredible coral reefs and promising caves!

Enjoy the tropical-like sun as you partake in water sports in Okinawa, and observe the aquatic world with clear kayaks so transparent that you see not only the fish below but also the whitewashed seabed! You can choose a higher vantage point with a parasailing experience, or delve into the beautiful underwater with Okinawa snorkeling tours. Alternatively, take up canoeing and stand up paddling boarding and surf the turquoise waters like a pro!

Wrestle with exotic marine life such as the batfish as you discover Okinawa fishing tours that are both a recreational activity and a way of life. Go fishing in Okinawa on elegant private yachts, which often come with special onboard barbecues, or do so on a kayak instead and savor all the little moments involved in an open-air experience. Venture near the shoreline for popular catches or travel to the deep sea for the rarest of fish!

Do you have a special day coming up in your life and would like the tour to match? Exceptional is not hard to find here, and some of that can be found within rare Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium night tours and extraordinary Okinawa Shisa-lion making adventures! Other worthy activities to commemorate your special day include kimono rentals, and swordsmithing plans, in addition to scenic Okinawa ox-cart tours!


如果您正在寻找可以放下头发并抛开烦恼的地方,冲绳提供了许多轻松的活动触手可及。您可以在参加海滩瑜伽或冥想之前通过冲绳瑜伽课程学习正确的瑜伽技巧在日落时享受冲绳 SUP 瑜伽体验的清新水域。还有多种医疗保健和水疗套餐,可让您从苛刻的学校或工作生活中解脱出来!
Most Popular Activities

Dive into the Mysterious Okinawa Blue Cave
Okinawa Fruit Lands Admission Ticket Sale

Mangrove Canoeing Course in Ishigaki Island

Kouri Island Thrilling Chartered Boat Cruising

Yajiyagama Cave Exploration Course - Kume Island

Onna Village Fun Blue Cave Snorkeling Adventure
Half-Day Fishing Tour (Beginners & Children Friendly)

Stand Up Paddleboard with a Magical Sunset Scenery

Explore Okinawa's Yanbaru Waterfalls Adventures

Mermaid Makeover Experience and Photoshoot in Onna
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