KANSAI: A Haven of Golden Temples and Cute Deer!
夏天来临时,关西沐浴在最美丽的阳光下,天气晴朗,可以在水上享受乐趣。前往琵琶湖平静而美丽的湖水,非常适合度过一个下午 SUP 在参观距离酒店仅一箭之遥的彦根城之前,先欣赏漂浮在绿松石中的白须鸟居,欣赏独特的三层城堡天守阁的神奇景色。
回到水上运动的丰富菜单,关西利用反重力 flyboarding 在以钓鱼和游戏而闻名的白浜海滩的白色沙滩旁。与朋友们一起享受悠闲的一天。 banana boat 去 canoeing 进入和歌山和淡路岛的日落,以及许多其他童话般的地点。 rafting 穿越京都的保津川,在飞溅中铸就回忆,以 hoverboard 在姬路、琵琶湖、丰冈和田边体验。
提供的传统体验同样丰富和令人兴奋。与可爱的人一起漫步江户街道和公园 kimono rentals 并在绿黄相间的天堂里拍照。在榻榻米房间里坐下来,成为习惯的一部分 tea ceremony 在艺伎区祗园,一边欣赏艺伎的歌舞,一边尽情享受 Maiko and Oiran experiences 在祗园,其中一些可能需要遇到武士!要品尝古代手工艺品,请学习 flower arrangement (花道)和传统 textile dyeing .
关西并非没有更多的冒险经历。 Cycle 穿越京都和奈良的世界遗产地(也以其幸福的鹿园而闻名),然后继续 forest adventures 在兵库县、滋贺县、高野山附近,参观令人耳目一新的茶城 sightseeing guided tours 包括道顿堀街头美食之旅,以及 sake tasting trips 在著名的啤酒厂附近。
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通过 VR 体验成为真正的忍者,在武士咖啡馆与武士喝茶!您的文化过山车还包括租借和服和漫步在美丽的树荫街道上,更不用说令人惊叹的关西书法课。当然,您还将获得享受日本传统茶道的精致和礼节!


Home to SUP adventures on white sandy shores and hoverboarding experiences in backdrops of clear skies and azure waters, Kansai has you covered with incredible watersports. Dive into adventurous lakes and seas, uncovering geoparks and tropical fish along the way. Have fun above the surface as well with canoe tours on Lake Biwa and Awaji Island.


Are you looking for a great adventure to brag to your friends about? Kansai has you covered with loads of experiences! Paragliding Lake Biwa and the spring lands of Kyoto and Hyogo is always an electrifying affair, as are the forest adventures in Hyogo! Play military games in real-life in airsoft war contests and gallop within lush plains while horseback riding!

在关西没有时间无聊!在大阪玩转有趣的抱石人工斜坡,然后放松一下,在女仆咖啡馆享用清凉饮料和可爱女孩的歌声。如果你更喜欢毛茸茸的同桌,动物咖啡馆是个不错的选择遇见友好的猫头鹰的地方。你也可以成为当天的其他人,也许是武士/艺妓,拍摄 cosplay 照片!
Most Popular Activities

SUP Experience Around the Floating Torri Gate of Lake Biwa

Windsurfing Experience in Lake Biwa (Beginner-Friendly)

Fun Mega SUP Board Adventure For Groups & Families

Tanabe Bay Sea Kayak Experience (Half-day Tour)
Trekking While Enjoying the Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Kannabe

Tea Ceremony Experience at Traditional Kyomachiya
Ultimate Wakeboarding Experience in Lake Biwa

Traditional Pottery Experience Using an Electric Wheel

Exciting Forest Adventure in Shiga
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