【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。の紹介画像
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【大阪城】“RISE计划” 在武士道中,剑是力量和勇敢的象征,孩子们从小就被教导如何使用它。

  • 初学者·初次挑战欢迎
  • 0准备OK
  • 1人可参加
  • 雨天OK
  • 儿童参加OK
  • 可预约数
  • 参加年龄
    10歳 ~ 70
  • 所需时间

让我们学习武士道,体验武士精神。对于一个武士来说,最重要的是什么?穿袴、凉鞋、佩剑,学习礼仪、礼仪、型。我们称之为武士道标志。接下来,作为一个武士道学习,您将体验一把真正的日本刀的重量和锋利度。我们将学习剑术的基础知识(Battou 和 Nattou)。途中我们将在 SAMURAI TEA 中休息一下。您将在茶道中受到招待,武士们冒着生命危险去“娱乐”和“被娱乐”。在参加战国最后一战大阪之战之前,要求参与者做好死亡准备,反思自己的生活,写下遗言最后,他穿上盔甲,戴上头盔,成为武士道大师,前往大阪城作战,在大阪之战中获得军功。然而,当战败在即时,武士们为了荣誉,即使战败,也不会遭受绞索的羞辱,而是在被俘之前被切腹或剖腹而死。


武士应该知道的最重要的事情是什么?即知“耻”。 “武道始于礼仪,终于礼仪。”首先,通过穿着袴、凉鞋和剑来学习礼仪、礼仪和形式。


接下来请感受一下KATANA(日本刀)的重量和锋利程度。学习剑的基础知识(拔剑 [batto] 和入鞘 [sheathing])。


他从小就被教导如何使用剑。他从一把木剑开始,到了 15 岁时,他被允许携带一把真正的剑。那一刻,他意识到自己在街上携带危险武器的自尊和责任感。






  • 网上支付
显示特约商户交易法相关内容 显示特约商户交易法相关内容
预约取消费用的产生日期 从活动日期的前1天开始收取取消费。
关于取消预约 请注意,如果因客户原因取消预订,将收取以下取消费用。 30 天前 - 8 天前:50% 7 天前 - 当日:100% 取消和变更必须至少提前 24 小时通过电子邮件通知。
关于中止活动 即使下雨或台风,该活动也将照常举行。


最少实施人数 1
可预约数 1~5
1小时内 / 1〜2小时
开始实施日期 全年
集合时间 请在预订时间前 30 分钟抵达。第一幕/第一幕(09:30 场)10:00-10:40 第二幕/第二幕(10:30 场)11:00-11:40 第三幕/第三幕(11:30 场)12:00 -12: 40第4幕/第14幕 (12:30场) 13:00-13:40第5幕/第5幕 (13:30场) 14:00-14:40第6幕/第6幕 (14:30场) 15:00-15 :40第7幕/第7幕 (15:30场) 16:00-16:40第8幕/第8幕 (16:30场) 17:00-17:40第9幕/第9幕 (17:30场) 18:00- 18:40 第10幕 (18:30场) ) 19:00-19:40
预约截止 23:59之前3天

更衣室 卫生间
淋浴 停车场

服装·自备物品 You will change from casual clothes to Iaidogi (Hakama), so you can wear whatever you want.
出租品 (FREE)Dressing of guests when dressing
When you wear hakama or armor for a sword fight, you will sweat and get sweaty easily, so please wear the following clothing.
① His upper body is a long-sleeved undershirt. I ask you to put on a samue.
② The lower part of the body is an easy to move samue.
③ We have tabi socks for your feet.
④ Swim caps are available for the head.
Assistant staff will do things like wearing hakama and armor. You can't wear it alone

参加时的注意事项 【About Reservations】
① Please note that reservations may not be accepted depending on availability of the Bushido experience.
② To make a reservation, please use the reservation form on our website at least one day before the scheduled date of use. For same-day applications, please contact us directly by phone. (Reservations can be made on the day if there is room.)
其他事项 ③ Multiple guests will experience the program at the same time, but we accept reservations from one person. (Up to five people at the same time. * Consult if there are more than 6 people.)
④ If you decide to cancel your reservation, be sure to let us know at least one day in advance.
⑤ On the day, please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. If it's going to be late, please be sure to let me know. Please note that we may not be able to accept your reservation if more than 30 minutes have passed since your appointment, regardless of whether you have been contacted.



プランの魅力 Armor Experience/Samurai valued "honor" the most. の画像

Armor Experience/Samurai valued "honor" the most. Samurai were born with a sense of honor. Honor was the highest good. The goal of a young man who wanted to become a samurai was not wealth or knowledge, but honor. When an aspiring samurai crossed the threshold of my house, he swore to himself that he would never cross it again until he had made a name for himself in the world.

プランの魅力 Armor Experience/Respect the name and live a virtuous life unashamed of you の画像

Armor Experience/Respect the name and live a virtuous life unashamed of you Shame is the basis of moral consciousness, and honor in bushido is the basic virtue for pursuing the aesthetics of humanity. Honor is a goal to be pursued "within oneself," without regard to profit or loss. Therefore, "honor" that is concerned with public reputation is not real honor.

プランの魅力 Armor Experience/Honor is the basic virtue for pursuing the aesthetics の画像

Armor Experience/Honor is the basic virtue for pursuing the aesthetics To know shame. Don't be ashamed. Don't disgrace yourself in front of people. People will laugh at you." Among the samurai, knowing shame was the first thing to be taught at an early age.

プランの魅力 Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword の画像

Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword Learning and practising the basic stances of the sword Swinging the sword from the stance

プランの魅力 Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword の画像

Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword Learning and practising the basic stances of the sword Swinging the sword from the stance

プランの魅力 Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword の画像

Practical practice of the basics with an iai practice sword Learning and practising the basic stances of the sword Swinging the sword from the stance

プランの魅力 Try your hand at cutting with a samuraisword (Japanese sword) の画像

Try your hand at cutting with a samuraisword (Japanese sword) Experience the world's best cutting performance. In this experience, you will be cutting a rolled straw, but in the Edo period, the ‘corpse’ of a criminal was used for the test cutting.

プランの魅力 Try your hand at cutting with a samuraisword (Japanese sword) の画像

Try your hand at cutting with a samuraisword (Japanese sword) Experience the world's best cutting performance. In this experience, you will be cutting a rolled straw, but in the Edo period, the ‘corpse’ of a criminal was used for the test cutting.

プランの魅力 Commemorative souvenirs の画像

Commemorative souvenirs Please take home a piece of straw that you cut in a test cut as a souvenir.



大阪府大阪市城东区志野西2-3-19 SAMURAI HONOR Excellence Takayama 1F


① 从大阪市营地铁、长堀鹤见绿地线“大阪商务公园站”1 号出口步行约 1 分钟 ② 从 JR 大阪环状线“大阪城公园站”步行约 2 分钟 ③ 从“大阪商务公园站”西口步行约 1 分钟JR大阪环状线东西线京桥站10分钟

大家的评论 0案例






投保详情 我们计划购买运动保险和顾客受伤保险,但目前我们正在为二月开业做准备。
执照·资格认证 居合道四段以上
在籍员工数 15
教练、指导员数 5





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