- 0岁~100岁
- 1小时内
- 09:00 / 09:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00 / 11:30 / 12:00 / 12:30 / 13:00 / 13:30 / 14:00 / 14:30 / 15:00 / 15:30 / 16:00 / 16:30 / 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00
- 0岁~100岁
- 一天超过6小时
* 每日包车时间为10小时(含驾驶时间)。 *如果出发地点在东京以外,司机的往返时间将被扣除。若连续包车行程超过2天(当日回程目的地为东京以外),客户需支付司机每晚10,000日元的住宿费,以防止疲劳驾驶。 *这是乘坐舒适的观光包车游览东京热门观光景点的一日游。 *您可以自由选择出发时间,并根据您的需求定制行程和旅游景点。 *我们有适合6人座和9人座的观光租车,并提供交通服务,让您安全舒适地到达目的地。 *我们提供的所有车辆均符合日本法律,我们的司机拥有3年以上的驾驶经验。 *我们提供多种语言服务,包括日语、中文、粤语和英语。 *东京一日游(示例) *8:55我们将在观光出租车上接您(出发时司机会提前到达指定地点等候)。如果出发点东京以外地区,司机接送,扣除往返时间。 )*9:00 从东京塔欣赏东京全景。前往象征东京的热门旅游景点东京塔。从250米高的特制展望台可以看到东京全景,如果天气好的话甚至可以看到富士山! 11:00 在浅草寺体验日本传统文化,感受千年历史寺庙的神秘魅力!穿过雷门,步入传统商店街,品尝传统甜点、购买纪念品,感受日本文化。您可以选择试穿日本传统服饰,在浅草寺周围漫步。 12:00 午餐享用美味的日本料理。午餐时,我们将带您到一家传统的日本餐厅。享受日本料理的细腻味道! 13:00 在秋叶原感受日本当代文化的动画与科技的嘉年华!在日本动漫文化圣地秋叶原,漫步动漫书店、主题咖啡馆,甚至电子产品商店。感受热情奔放的流行文化! (如果最终目的地不是东京,则扣除司机的往返时间。)
- 0岁~100岁
- 1〜2小时
- 08:00 / 09:00 / 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 / 13:00 / 14:00 / 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00
- 3岁~99岁
- 2〜3小时
- 10:30 / 13:30
I propose a touching tour in YANAKA area, which will give you the chance to know a good old-days Japanese life-style and its traditional culture! I am ready to propose you the followings; ・Being dressed Yukata(summer cotton kimono) in summer, and Kimono in winter time. (Now Yukata) ※ I offer authentic kimonos made from silk, produced in the traditional way. ※ You can choose from more than 50 Yukata or Kimono to wear on the day. ・Taking a walk dressed with Yukata or Kimono together with AKIZAKURA's Kimono Upcycled Umbrella. ・During a walk, I show you the stylish walking-manner with Yukata and Kimono, way of sitting-down, and pattern of behavior. ・Of course, you can have a lot of commemorative photos at each photogenic spot in YANAKA, for your unforgettable experience in Japan. Japanese Kimono culture has long history and it was deeply accepted into Japanese life-style, Kimono was not only the clothes but also a good showcase of idea for sustainable. Also, AKIZAKURA's Umbrella is not just the accessory but the part of our identification to show up your class.